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Part I: Migrating to 12c not so easy - Oracle ADF Jdeveloper 12c Findings

This post is part of 12c Migration project which lists all updates and deprecated stuff in 12c from its predecessors. These are all known findings so far I'll try to update this as I come across new stuff, bugs or fixes:

Java8 👏👏👏👏 - you know what it means 👼

No Groovy Expression to Generate Sequence:

Common requirement is to use a database sequence to populate key attribute and you can achieve this by adding a groovy expression to the expression tab of attribute in entity object.

(new oracle.jbo.server.SequenceImpl("YOUR_SEQUENCE_NAME", adf.object.getDBTransaction())).getSequenceNumber()

Trying to use the same logic in 12C will result in following runtime exception:

JBO-25152: Calling the constructor for class oracle.jbo.server.SequenceImpl is not permitted.

Here's a quick fix for this issue:

  1. Open EO in the source view.
  2. Search for trustMode.
  3. Change trustMode="untrusted" to trustMode="trusted".

R.I.P  InvokeAction, commandButton, goLink, commandToolbarButton😪: 

- invokeAction is deprecated though it's usage is minimal in ADF applications they're a handful scenarios where is used it now I had to modify the places i used it.

- The change to decrease multiple buttons and links is understandable to keep one thing for a specific/similar purpose however changes to existing properties is not something I appreciate. As a developer of an enterprise application with multiple libraries I would be happy if it is simple for me to migrate on import rather me taking care of all the changes to components across libraries 😑

I wish i would question Mr. Frank Nimphus. Why did you make partialSubmit="true" now?

Much wanted freedom: 🙌

A pain for every developer is to skip the following multiple validations and instead show a message for the specific input component, which involved lot of coding in the bean earlier. 

Thanks to <af: target> tag now you can really target which component to re-render and which validations to fire again. This is a very welcoming change after all those pain getting your hands dirty with immediate, ppr and lot of coding.

Hot Deployment 💣: save your most valuable commodity

- We all know the pain we had to go through while developing apps using earlier versions of JDeveloper make a change kill your server and restart.

- However you can save some time by adding CHECK_FILE_MODIFICATION to true for some UI changes it is still not helping for model, bindings and changes with other config files. The new 12c somehow got the magic to do this for most cases.

- Require Deployment: web.xml

Responsive! Responsive! Responsive! 

This was very near to impossible with earlier versions though you can achiever this with some tweaks  like putting them in a separate and use it in an af:resource this is not really straight forward but now with <af:matchMediaBehavior /> it's more control on your components based on screen size.

Dependency Viewer:

Gives a nice visual view of dependencies/ references for the file.

Known Issues so far:

- getFilterCriteria() deprecated so you may have to change your filter reset logic.
- Filters not working for tables built on Read only VO.


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