Collection of linux commands used frequently:
Add user:
adduser <username> (works if logged in as root account or with a superuser account)
Change permissions to user:
usermod -aG sudo <username>
Switch to specific user from root:
su - <username>
Make directory and change permissions:
mkdir <dirname>
chmod <permission_num> <dirpath>
Editor to view files:
nano <file-path>
vi <file-path>
tail -f <file-path>
Find files:
find <path> <file-name/pattern>;
Find jar files with name:
find . -name '*.jar' -exec grep -Hls "<pattern>"{} \;
tail -f <file-path>
Find files:
find <path> <file-name/pattern>;
Find jar files with name:
find . -name '*.jar' -exec grep -Hls "<pattern>"{} \;
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