- Namespaces are used as a means to separate k8s resources
Create Namespace
kubectl create ns <--namespace-->
Get all namespaces
kubectl get namespaces
- Pod allows you to run the application in a container
- Usually the config for pods are defined in YAML, but you can create a quick pod using "run" command.
kubectl run <--pod-name--> --image=nginx:2.3.5 --restart=Never --port=80 --namespace=<--namespace-->
View pods details
kubectl get pod -n <--namespace-->
Describe pod:
- This will provide much deeper insight into the pod
kubectl describe pod -n <--namespace-->
Modify pod
*Replace xyzPod with your pod name below
kubectl set image pod xyzPod xyzPod=nginx --namespace=<--namespace-->
Check Pod status:
kubectl get pod -n <--namespace-->
Shell into container:
kubectl exec <--pod-name--> -it --namespace=<--namespace--> -- /bin/sh
- exit from shell
Access Pod logs:
kubectl logs <--pod-name--> -n <--namespace-->
Delete K8s Resources:
- Pod:
kubectl delete pod <--pod-name--> --namespace=<--namespace-->
- namespace:
kubectl delete namespace <--namespace-->
Force delete - K8s tries to gracefully delete the resources, if you want to speed-up the process and want to force delete the resources. Use the following command-line option.
--grace-period=0 --force
Happy coding 👨💻
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