To develop REST API's we will be using a spring boot to quickly bootstrap an application and add all the dependencies needed to develop the API's
Different ways of creating a spring boot app:
- CLI (Command Line Interface)
- IDE (Eclipse, IDEA, STS...)
- The above two are not so popular but most developers create spring application using the web app provides different options while creating the application. You can choose:
- Project: Maven, Gradle
- Language: Java, Kotlin, Groovy
- Spring Boot Version
- Project Metadata
- Group
- Artifact
- Name
- Description
- Package Name
- Packaging (Jar, War)
- Java version
- Dependencies - Based on the application type you're developing you can choose different dependencies to include in your project
Here's a screenshot of an example project i'm creating:
- select all the options as shown above
- click Generate and this will download a zip file of the project
- import the project into an IDE that supports Spring Boot apps
Happy Coding 👨💻
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