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ESS - 2.Challenges in implementing Search

Perfect Search implementation needs to consider many challenges here's a list of the current day technical challenges:

  1.  A very basic search implementation would be searching the documents by using simple text matching this works fine however such an implementation can be used only when you have really accurate details of what to search any change in the wording, tenses or phrases will give you uncertain results.
  2. Search engines must be capable of constantly learning from users behavior and constantly improving search engine results. For example, on a search query you got a list of results and most of the users are ignoring the top ones and going for 3rd or 4th one you must provide those results first next time.
  3. Map similar queries and provide appropriate search results. Consider a search for "Elasticsearch Getting Started" & "Introduction Elasticsearch" & "Elasticsearch tutorial", the expected results are almost same for each query an efficient engine will determine the parallels, phrasing and any typos to serve similar results every-time.
  4. Continuous Indexing, Indexing is really crucial in search after all it is the concept Search works on. It is the way to organize existing website information in a format for fast retrieval of results for a query. Along with indexing preexisting information, a system had to be put in place to continuously update index with the changes to the data in your website.
  5. Business Focused, You may want to tweak search results based on your business need in some scenarios having such customization's are needed to deliver appropriate results to targeted customers.
  6. Natural Language Processing, Google search queries we perform are a good example to think of without NLP most of our search queries would take a light year to provide relevant results.

Image result for funny google search

So behind a simple click 🔍 there are lot of algorithms and tools working for you to provide most appropriate results. We'll unveil how to use modern search engines to solve most of the challenges by the end of this series.

Happy Learning ✌


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