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Enterprise/Elastic Search Series(ESS) - Pilot

Hi All,

Enterprise Search really gained traction in recent times and also improved a lot with many open source contributors like Apache Solr, Elasticsearch and other big players.

I am working on an exciting POC to implement search within our organisation and found the underlying technologies and implementation really fascinating. I cannot wait to share all my adventures in this topic since this is a really huge topic I'll be dividing them in a series of blog posts which i named as "ESS - Enterprise Search Series", which in one way also fits Elastic in the name 😉

Here's the list of topics i plan to learn and i may update this going forward as needed:

  1. Purpose of Search and example use cases
  2. Challenges to implement Search
  3. Tools and technologies involved in modern search architecture
  4. Decipher search concepts
  5. Elasticsearch - Introduction
  6. Elasticsearch - Search concepts implementation
  7. Elasticsearch - Document operations using API's (Curl)
  8. Elasticsearch - Document operations using API's (Java)
  9. Elasticsearch - Search operations using API's (Curl)
  10. Elasticsearch - Query DSL
  11. Elasticsearch - Monitoring cluster and nodes
  12. Elasticsearch - Aggregations
  13. Elasticsearch - Tokenizers and Analyzers
  14. Elasticsearch - Case Studies

Note: If there are any Enterprise Search or Elasticsearch gurus inspecting the series please help me correct any errors or implement any better practices to the topics in my content.

Happy Learning ✌


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